Sunday, June 27, 2010

An open letter from the human that animates SUN

America. The wonderful country I live in that gives me the right to FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Guess what I use it. If I wish to post a blip and bitch, it's my right. Don't like it? UNFUCKINGFOLLOW. No fucking skin off my back.

Want to call me out for blipping something that never had a name attached? Go right ahead. Unless I specifically SAY YOUR NAME...why do you just ASSUME it's about you? I could be talking about a bitch from a whole other section of the world.

You create account after account to stalk me and harass those I RP with? Sounds like your life is B-O-R-I-N-G!! I'm sick of keeping my mouth shut. So guess what I'm opening it. Wanna talk about how people are "sick" of me? Go ahead..Yet my followers aren't going down...Wanna call me a bitch? Yep, I sure the fuck am..Thank you for noticiing. I sit back and listen to people run their fucking mouths about me all damn day long. Don't say a fucking word. Why? Cuz I find it funny as fuck when their so called friends run back and TELL ME every fucking word they said.

Talk about me. Talk all you want. I can handle it. Want me gone? Too bad, so fucking sad for you. YOU don't run my LIFE. I DO. Always fucking have. Always fucking will. You have a BLOCK and UNFOLLOW BUTTON...USE THE FUCKING THING.

Oh yeah and since everyone fucking is sick of me....guess those 60+ RPers that joined BLOOD PLAY are just figments of my imagination, right?

The human is pissed. The vampire will be watching the stream and calming down before she posts. I regret deleting the fucking tweets. Why? Because I FUCKING MEANT THEM. Damage done? OH MOTHER FUCKING WELL. SO FUCKING BE IT. At the end of the day, my REAL friends will be here. In fact I do believe I'll start unfollowing. My stream sure will be nicer without a bunch of people who fucking hate me so much.

The Human,
Donna aka SUN