Saturday, May 29, 2010


What exactly does it mean? To me it used to mean sadness, pain and hate. The one day I met this pretty fairy named Laurana and she became my best friend. After that I met her family. And boy was that family HUGE.

They accepted me into their lives because of her and I found something I'd never had. For the first time I had a real family.

I quickly learned that in this family, we protect one another. No one harms another member of us without at least five or more of us popping up to defend that person. That's what family is about.

Mom, Daddy, Mum and Pere have shown me the joy of having parents that support and love their children. Their love is unconditional and constant. No matter the issue or problem they are always there to listen, love and support.

Every member of this family is special to me. I've finally found something that was always lacking in my life. They opened their arms, hearts and lives to me and mine and I am forever grateful to have them in my life.

So, what is family you ask?

For me it's a mixture of all beings that have chosen to come together as a family unit. It's love and acceptance. Just because we don't share DNA doesn't make us any less of a family. We choose to be there for one another. We choose to love one another. We choose to fight beside one another.

That's family. And I have the best damn family ever.


Friday, May 28, 2010

Drama Llamas....

This blog shouldn't even need to be posted. I thought we were all adults on this site, but apparently not.

Drama llamas have been running rampant through the streams lately and frankly it's gotten real old real quick.

So let me make a suggestion if I may. If you don't like someone, block them. If you hate a bitch cuz she called you a whore, block her. If your friend hates someone and you want to show support, block them. If you just can't stand the looks of someone and hate seeing them in your stream... you guessed it BLOCK THEM

What is this insane need to go attack someone because your friend can't stand them? I just don't get it. Grow the fuck up already.

If you need to call a bitch out, by all means call her or him out in an adult way. Say your peace then block the dumbass and move the fuck on.

This running back and forth and causing bitches stress is childish and you're only showing the stream how stupid you are.

Once you've blocked the fucktard tell all of your friends and followers NOT TO RT the bullshit posts from them. All that is going to do is keep the drama going. Let the bitch run her mouth. Let her enjoy the sound of her own tweets. Let her little friends pat her back and call her a brave girl. Let her make a fool of herself.

Sit back quietly and let her do herself in. Because sooner or later the stream will get tired of her crap and unfollow her dumb ass too. In the meantime you come out smelling like roses because you were adult enough to keep from saying how stupid she is.

In the end it's all about being the bigger person. Every one of these characters has a RL person behind them. When you attack someone remember that you don't know what kind of day that person has had and what they may be going through IRL.

I'll shut the fuck up now since I'm sure you're all sick of me now.



Wednesday, May 26, 2010






Not a single one of those words even comes close to describing me. But it's what I'm becoming thanks to my Sonnyboy and the beautiful human he's helped make my daughter.

It seems my Chase was busy procreating before he was turned and now Beth is carrying what will be my grandson. As much as I don't like any of those icky words above I am so very excited and happy about this teacup.

Yes, I've already begun to spoil him and he's still a little peanut in his mommy's belly. But it's my right to spoil him. Only the best for my grandson.

Tonight they announced they will be naming him Draysun Chase Blood. A combination of mine and Dusk's names. He is so proud and happy, as am I.

My grandson will grow up surrounded by love. He'll never want for anything or ever wonder if he is loved.

I can't wait to meet this little teacup and smother him in kisses. It will be nice to see Siena and Draysun grow up together. They'll be more like brother and sister than Aunt and nephew. I hope they are close, it will be good for both to have the other to help support them in a house full of vampires.

So, what will I be called? G-Mama. Unless my sweet grandson finds another word he likes more. I think I may just whisper in his ear often so that he calls me Sun-Sun. Shhh, don't tell my kids.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Who is this vampire?



Who the fuck is this man I married? He's not the vampire I know or love. This vampire is a shell of his former self.

The Dusk I know would've stood in front of me with fangs bared and fought to final death to defend me. Not push me to my own.

Never in my undeath or life did I think he'd be the one to not be there for me. Yet it was his actions that broke my heart and shattered my soul so intensely that I just wanted to end it all for the first time since being turned.

This vampire is not my husband. He is someone I don't even know anymore. So I left. Walked away.

I can't be with someone who doesn't protect or support me. Not now, not ever. It is his job as my husband. He promised me that.

Now here I sit, alone, with our child and no Dusk. Where do we go from here? Can it be salvaged? Can he be the vampire I need?

And if not can I really walk away from the only soul I've loved this deeply?

I don't know. All I know is unless he changes, I don't want to see him ever again. I will not survive another moment like that.

So wherever you are Draven Blood, I love you. Please come back to me.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Fairytale Wedding

The night began with a nervous bride sneaking out to hunt. After successfully calming my nerves by feeding on tourists, it was time to get dressed and beautiful. Thank Godric for Laurana and her talent at making me beautiful. Brandee, Jai, Elektra and Amber all managed to keep me calm and get me into that dress in time to go marry the vampire of my dreams.

Mom stopped into make me cry by saying how proud the 'rents are of me. I hope they know how much I love being in this family. Finally it was time for Daddy and Pere to walk me down the aisle. Mum of course sent love and pride. One by one I watched my bridesmaids walk down that aisle to stand by the beach and then it was my turn.

Taking Daddy's and Pere's arms, I rushed them to get to Dusk quicker. Seeing him standing there was the best damn thing I'd ever seen. He looked so handsome in his tux and Chase was right next to him. My family. The vampires I love most in this world. On the other side sitting with Mom and Daddy was Siena. The little girl who's already stolen the hearts of everyone in this family.

Pastor Wilkins did a beautiful job with the ceremony. Even though I'm sure quite a few in the crowd was picturing him as their midnight snack. His words were inspiring, and brought home just how special bonding and marriage are for vampires. It's not every day two souls find their way together the way Dusk and I have. Our blood was mixed and we drank, strengthening a bond that is unbreakable. Our wrists were bound to symbolize the joing of our bodies and souls. Then it came time for the vows.

As Dusk spoke, the tears came. His words were so touching and to hear him speak from his heart made me realize once more just how lucky I am. To be loved by this vampire, so completely is truly my greatest blessing in this undeath. He is always there, no matter the circumstance.

After I regained my composure enough to speak, I spoke from my heart to tell him how very much I love him. This love of ours is romantic and unending. We have loved one another through many lifetimes, each one more intense than the last. Our time has come where immortality is a constant for us both and the future seems long and happy.

To have shared this with our family and friends was the greatest thing we could've done. Now it's on to the Happily Ever After we've both dreamt of for a long time.


For those that missed the ceremony below are the wedding vows Dusk and I exchanged.

Draven's vows: u know...we have lived many lives, you & to some, this would seem old hat, yet it is never any less special to me than it was the very first time. You truly do complete me, in every way...when we are apart I am half of a larger whole. This ceremony simply lets the whole world know what we already do...that we are two halves of the same whole. You are my Sunshine.I am your Dusk. I love you to the depths of my soul and always shall. Be mine forever, once again.

Sun's vows: I've loved you from the moment I met you Dusk. Tonight I stand here with my best friend promising to love and respect you for eternity. I promise to never give up on us, to always stand beside you as your partner in good times and bad. I will be your shoulder to cry on, your hand to hold, your strength when you feel you have none and your reminder that are loved.I will fight beside you and always support you. My forever belongs to you. You are and always will be the vampire I love with all of me. Our bond remains unbroken and from this moment forward we are one soul. I love you Dusk.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


How much information can a vampire handle in one night. Especially the night before her wedding. Not that it was bad news. In fact it was great news. Just shocking.

Three years ago, I said goodbye to someone I loved so much it nearly killed me to do so. In that moment of pain and weakness I ventured out and met someone trying to dull the pain just a little. Little did I know that I'd come to think it was the best thing I'd ever done.

Tonight I learned that the man I slept with was none other than my Dusk. He'd done something so daring and loving to be with me. He'd had a witch cast a spell and turn him human. Little did he know that I wouldn't recognize him as human. So the night my Siena was conceived, was the night I spent with the human version of the only one I've loved so deeply I'd die for him.

Not only did he give me the gift of his child but in doing so he gave me the gift of my mother. I can't remember the last time I've spoken to her until tonight.

Draven has given me the greatest gifts he ever could. Tonight he learned he's a father. Tomorrow he meets his daughter for the first time.

Sometimes the biggest mistake of your life turns out to be the best thing you've ever done.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

SunnehBunneh, officially...

What a night! What an opportunity. Who knew that Magister thought I was even qualified for such a job.

I'm still in shock. Happy shock, but shock none the less. An Emissary. Me.

All of my dreams are coming true at the same time. To have Mom, Daddy, Mum and Pere there was so amazing. Seeing the pride in their eyes and feeling how happy they were for me made me want to work harder. This family truly loves me. I've never had that from anyone except Dusk and now I have this large group of individuals that love me just because I'm me. Yes, I am indeed truly blessed.

Speaking of Dusk, where would I be without him? Most likely dead. He gives me the strength and the support I need to reach for the stars. It is because he loves me that I felt I could even think about wanting to work for the Magister.

I am slowly seeing the vampire he sees. I take strength from him. The strength I'll need to face the next chapter.

Now onto the next chapter in my undeath. Things are falling into place. I've got the dream husband, the dream job, my Sonnyboy and my family and friends.

It's time to spread my wings and fly. Time to show the world exactly what Sunshine is made of.
