Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Blood Exchange

Good evening my friends,
So this is a question I've been asked repeatedly. I contracted hep d from a random human the night that NO Saints won the playoffs. Serge and I went hunting on Bourbon St and I became ill soon after. I kept this secret to protect my queen as it poses a great security risk to her if a member of her personal security detail is ill and unavailable.

Laurana knew but agreed to keep it secret. During this time I became progressively sicker eventually leading to my collapse. At which point Laur felt it necessary to notify the queen.
Once it was known how close to final death I was the queen ordered Charles_Twining to do whatever was necessary to save me. I'd still like to know how that pirate knew to drain me. But I am eternally grateful that he did.

Charles called in Hot_Rain, who is my closest friend and sophisticatedv who is my child. Both agreed, at great risk to themselves, to donate a third of their blood to prevent my untimely demise.

During the procedure I actually met final death and ascended to where ever it is that Vampires go. I was greeted by Long Shadow and Godric. It was during this time that those around me fought hard to bring me back.

I remember hearing Charles' voice and battled to return. Being very weak, I took time to recover at Hot_Rain's.

I now have a strong blood connection with all three of the donors. Much stronger than I thought possible. Though I can't say I mind. I guess we'll have to see how it goes.

How I feel about these changes, physical and mental, is a whole other blog. One I shall touch on soon.