Monday, August 2, 2010

Sun's FINAL Act

I started role play as a way to escape the misery that was my RL and to have fun. What I found were some very talented individuals that I am honored to have had the chance to play with. But somewhere along the line, there came to be childish individuals that decided they could destroy what I worked so hard to accomplish.

Over the last few days I've remained off stream and off role play. I've lurked from time to time and what I've seen has shocked me. Those I thought were "family" were the first to unfollow me or turn their backs. I've watched my name come out people's mouths when I'm nowhere around.

I've seen people I once respected become people I wouldn't wish to spend 5 seconds with. I've become ashamed that I once considered them friends. The backstabbing and the drama are out of hand and it seems all fingers wish to point towards me. So I've decided to end it. On my terms, in my way.

Tomorrow morning I'll say my goodbyes to those that have stood beside me through thick and thin and then I will be deleting my accounts. All except my RL ones. Those that matter have those and those that don't don't deserve them.

For my followers, thank you for investing your time and energy into my storylines. For my RP partners, thank you for the ride, it was great and I'll never forget you all.

I will not be lurking on TB RP. I will not be coming back. Sun's time has ended and it is time for the human that animated her to find a new outlet for her creativity. Blood Play the group will no longer exist. I'll be removing the websites and all content on Friday in order to give those that wish the chance to take what they wish.

As for Sun, well she'll be living happily on with her maker and her teacup Siena. Her immortal life does not end, but her twitter life does.

Before I go, I wish to thank two people that have never once turned their back on me. My Sonnyboy Chase, who has given me unconditional love and support. I love you more than you could ever know. I wish you the best in everything you do.

Amber, RP friendship turned to RL friendship. I value every second I get to spend chatting with you. I absolutely love and adore you beyond anyone else on this stream. You know loyalty! See you on gchat!

*wipes the tears and links arms with Kills, picking up Siena on our way out of this nightmare and on to bigger and better things.