Sunday, July 4, 2010

Being Sunshine

As I embark upon this undeath within the role of creator/admin of Blood Play I felt it time to take a moment and give some insight into Sunshine Marie Spencer dé Morte - di Castello - dé Lioncourt - May - Blood.

Say that ten times fast.

I am vampire.

What else do you need to know?

Oh yes, you wish to know about being Sunshine. Well, being Sunshine is the most fun I've ever had. It's also the most trying. I struggle nightly to remain true to a character that I created.

You see, Sunshine is not just vampire. She is so much more. She is bits and pieces of the human who animates her thrown in with the fictional character. She gets her attitude from that human. But she also gets her heart from her too.

Sun is a vampire that fights hard to maintain her humanity. Even when faced with tragedy and heartbreak, she's clear that she'd rather feel the emotions than face an eternity with none.

Unlike the human behind the character, Sun is happily married and very much in love with her Dusk. Their love story is one that touches my soul every single night on Twitter. Sun and Draven have found something rare and real. They work hard to keep it on track now that they've finally found their way to eternity together.

They've created a family together that consists of human teacups and vampire creations. Sunshine is much like that human behind her in that she'd protect her children to all extremes. Including laying her own un-life down for them. Any of them.

Sunshine is happy in her personal life and more than happy in her professional life. She's worked hard to get where she is and she's earned her respect. Sunshine is loyal if nothing else. Business always comes first. Sun does not break the laws of her kind. And she does NOT like being put in a position where she may be forced to. The human behind Sun hates for people to spring things on her in RP. Sometimes it's ok but if it puts Sun in a position where it is OUT OF CHARACTER the huamn becomes a bitch.

Also unlike the human, Sunshine has a large family. She's been adopted by three vampires and a demon. Her family is her life line so to speak. They protect her and love her without conditions. Sunshine would do anything for those she loves and her family, she loves.

Much like the human, Sunshine loves shoes. Unlike the human, Sun is never seen without her stilettos. She is designer all the way. She does not wear pants often and when you see her in jeans or flats, worry.

So there you have it..what it's like being Sunshine. Thank you for following and letting me live out her undeath nightly.